What You Should Know About Root Canals
Concerned that you may have a root canal infection? Have you been told that a root canal is necessary by your dentist or endodontist? There are a number of myths associated with root canal therapy, which may cause anxiety or worry when hearing the word “root canal.”
Here are some key facts regarding root canals to help you better understand what a root canal system infection is and how to effectively treat it.
How does a root canal work?
A root canal is a procedure to treat an infected root canal system and a cavity within the middle of a tooth*. Your tooth’s nerves and pulp are located inside the root canal, so if they become infected, you should see your dentist immediately to avoid further complications, such as an abscess.
During a root canal, the nerve and pulp are removed, and the interior of the tooth is cleaned and sealed. It is important to remember that a root canal does not result in the death of a tooth. A root canal removes the tooth’s nerves, but the nerves are of little value in a fully developed tooth. Following the root canal, the tooth continues to function normally.
What Are the Most Common Symptoms of a Root Canal?
It is critical to know what to look for in order to receive prompt treatment for root canals.
Root canal symptoms include the following:
There may be severe pain while chewing or biting; pimples on the gums; a chipped or cracked tooth; persistent sensitivity to hot or cold, even after the sensation has been removed; swollen or tender gums; and more.
Make an appointment with your dentist or endodontist as soon as possible if you notice one or more of these root canal symptoms.
Is my root canal procedure painful?
Inflammation or infection causes toothaches, which are often treated with endodontic procedures. Modern methods make root canals painless. Patients report feeling relaxed during the procedure, which is usually completed in one to two consultations.
You may feel some sensitivity or discomfort in the days following a root canal, but this can usually be managed with over-the-counter pain medication. It won’t take long before you’re back to biting, eating, and smiling with ease.
After a root canal procedure, what can I expect?
You must properly care for your treated tooth to ensure a successful root canal recovery. When you are numb in the mouth, wait a few hours before eating to avoid biting your face or tongue. Furthermore, eat soft foods that require less chewing to reduce the risk of tooth damage.
In addition, your dentist or endodontist can determine how many follow-up appointments you’ll need to ensure the infection is completely gone and your tooth is recovering properly.
Moreover, visit your dentist twice a year for cleanings and exams to maintain your oral health.
A treated tooth can last a lifetime if it is well taken care of.